We’ve gone digital with WalletCard

As pioneers into the world wide web, NIS offers advanced Online Training Programs to streamline the certification process – Operator and Train-the-Trainer Programs. We believe training and certification must be site specific within your working environment, with your actual equipment. Now we have eliminated the need to store paper records and licenses with this state of the art, easy to use, secure cloud based platform provided by WalletCard.

We are pleased to partner with WalletCard to provide digital certificates that are never lost or stolen and automatically alerts you when your certification is about to expire.

WalletCard has introduced a collaborative Certification Management Platform that allows Employers, Employees, Trainers and Training Providers to work together to ensure ongoing regulatory compliance.
(for more information regarding Collaborative Safety, click here)

Benefiting all user types


  • Always free account to store all your certification records. Trainers can issue digital certificates and manage all their trainees records at their finger tips.


  • Let us help you eliminate those paper files, filing cabinets and spreadsheets. WalletCard provides affordable plans for companies of all sizes.

Get Started: Sign Up Now